NS (ninja saga)

NS (ninja saga)

Selasa, 09 Agustus 2011

cheat happy island video nya ada dia atas coba kalau mau ngecit contoh vido di atas

cheat wild ones

Berikut adalah tutorial untuk cheat 99x ammo di game Wild Ones Facebook :
1. Buka aplikasi Wild Ones dari profil facebook (www.facebook.com/WildOnes).
2. Buka cheat engine versi 5.5 atau 5.6 (http://www.heijnen1.demon.nl
3. Buka process list di kiri atas cheat engine (icon gambar komputer)
4. Pilih sesuai browser yang digunakan (khusus untuk pengguna mozilla firefox yg baru, pilih plugin container)
5. Kembali ke wild ones dan pilih practice mode untuk nanti di cari address nya didalam cheat engine.

6. Saat di dalam permainan ganti senjata yang digunakan dengan senjata yg lain (misal nya grenade)
7. Lihat jumlah senjata nya, kemudian kembali ke cheat engine lalu scan dengan type 4byte.
(contoh: jumlah grenade 50, scan 50 pada cheat engine)
8. Ulangi langkah di atas sampai tersisa 1 address
9. Double klik address tsb untuk memasukan nya ke cheat table.
10. Klik kanan address yg sudah add tsb, lalu pilih find out what accesses this address.
cheat wild ones]
11. Kemudian tembakan lagi senjata agan sampai menemukan seperti ini :
cheat wild ones
12. Lalu pilih address sesuai pada gambar , kemudian klik show disassambler.
13. Pilih address yg paling atas
cheat wild ones
14. Tekan tombol ctrl+A untuk membuka tab auto assamble
15. Kemudian klik template lalu pilih code injection
cheat wild ones
16. Scroll ke bwah sampai menemukan script berikut
cheat wild ones
17. Ubah menjadi seperti ini
cheat wild ones
18. Kemudian klik execute lalu klik ok
19. Lihat hasil nya :

jumlah asli senjata agan bakalan tetep berkurang, jadi klo mau make cheat ini gunain senjata agan yg benar2 sudah habis..
untuk memakai nya agan bisa menggunakan hotkey (arah kan mouse ke senjata yg mau di jadikan hotkey, lalu tahan tombol shift + )

cheat point blank

Point Blank Cheat “Cheat PB” Online is simillar to Counter Strike Online. All cheat ability is the same like :

* Auto aim
* No clipping
* See Behind the wall
* All weapon
* All amunition

The different is Point blank have a quest that you must play it for upgrade your point.

Point Blank Cheat should be newest once depend on your Point Blank server to join. If it regulary pacth the game so you must know that your cheat pb is still work.

Or you can try with this step :

Download Hide Toolz

Download MoonLight Engine

This Tips for Unlimited Ammo

1. Run Moonlight Engine Then run Hide Toolz

2. Hide Moonlight Engine With Hide Toolz

3. Run PointBlank.exe then atach proces to Moonlight Engine

3. Scan 4 byte Ammo that you have (ie, 40)

4. Shoot 1 or 2 bullets to check that number change, then do next scan

5. Check address that you got. 3 addres minimal. double click for that addres than freeze

Senin, 08 Agustus 2011

cheat ninja saga TP

Fiddler [Pada cari di GOOGLE noh buanyak banget]
* File SWF http://www.ziddu.com/download/13286720/shop_new.zip.html

Cara Penggunaan :

1. Download dulu fiddler
2. Kemudian Install Fiddler
3. Buka Ninja Saga kamu, tapi jangan pilih karakter dulu (jangan buka fiddler !!)
4. Baru jalankan Fiddler
5. Klik Tab AutoResponder (yg icon-nya petir hijau)
6. Centang kotak "Enable automatic responses" dan juga "Permit passthrough for unmatched request"
7. Jatuhkan .SWF File yang kamu download tadi ke kolom AutoResponder
8. Setelah itu bersihkan chace
9. Baru pilih karakter yang akan kamu mainkan

cheat ninja saga token

1. Buka Ninja saga. Pilih Karakter. Tunggu hingga di Lobby
2. Buka CE. pilih proses “plugin-container.exe” – Setting 4Byte – Scan Token Kamu ( misal: 100 – tulis 100 pada kotak penulisan dan SCAN)
3. Buka Headquarters dan Change 1 Token menjadi gold [ ingat 1 token saja tidak perlu banyak-banyak ]
4. Keluar dari Headquarters. ( wajib !! ). Tunggu hingga di Lobby lagi.
5. Scan Token kamu sekarang (misal : 100 token – di Change 1 token – menjadi 99 token kan ??)
6. Pasti akan ketemu 1 address. Klik 2 kali addres itu hingga masuk kedalam kotak dibawah.
7. Ganti Addressnya dengan menabahkan ” +4 ” di akhir Address. [ contoh : 03FCDA4B+4 ]
8. Jika sudah, Ganti Value menjadi 2. [ di ADDRESS deafult kamu akan mendapat value " 1 " = Free Account. jika sudah diganti " 2 " maka akan menjadi Premium. Kalo " 3 " mungkin akan ERROR. ]
9. Balik Ke Ninja Saga. Buka Shop Body – Beli Evil Costum seharga 50 token ( sayangilah Token anda. jangan menghambur-hamburkan Harta )
10. ulangi semua langkah tadi jika Ninja Saga kamu di Refresh.

Minggu, 07 Agustus 2011

cheat city ville coin

Alat : Cheat Engine
Mozilla Firefox 3.6.13

1. Buka City Ville
2. Setelah masuk City Ville buka tempat kereta api
3. Lalu pilih ==> Beli dari Chungin dustin
4. Klik Proses ==> Pilih Plugin Container
5. Scan type Exact Value ==> Value type 4 bytes
6. Baru scan 86400 di kotak hex
7. Nanti muncul banyak adress
8. Cari kode adress yang ujungnya xxxxxDE4 atau xxxxxE4
9. Lalu ubah Value nya menjadi 300
10. Lihat hasilnya waktu satu hari bisa menjadi 5 menit
11. Lalu kalian copy code pada kolom adress ( 071b4de4 )
12. Setelah itu rubah code 071b4de4 menjadi 071b4000
13. Dan rubah 071b4de4 ===> 071b4fff
14. Pada kolom Value san angka 65
15. Lalu rubah menjadi 1000000 ( minimal satu juta )
16. Kirim kereta yang ada pada sebelah kiri
17. Lalu belikan uang itu pada Franchise tetangga mu
18. Semakin mahal Franchise semakin banyak coin yang kamu dapat kan
19. Reload City Ville anda
20. Lalu kunjungi Franchise yang kamu pasang di kota tetanggamu
21. Lalu kamu cancel ... maka otomatis uang kamu tanam akan kembali ke kamu

cheat ninja saga gold

Tools yang di butuhkan: CE 5.6, Mozila atau sejenisnya Ulet dan sabar
Langsung aja langkah-langkahnya dibawah ini :

1. buka cheat engine
2. process ke mozila1.buka cheat engine
3. process ke mozila
4. selesaikan daily task itu misalnya mission completed 4
5. sudah selesai ingat “jangan diclaim dulu”
6. buka cheat engine ubah value type 4 bytes menjadi 8 bytes
7. tulis jumlah uang kamu lalu first scan
8. klik 2x adress yang muncul
9. klik adress 2x ganti xxxx78 menjadi xxxxAC
10. lalu ganti value nya menjadi 75000
11. lalu masuk kage room
12. Lalu centang di cheat engine eneble speed hack 1.0 menjadi 500.0
13. lalu claim reward daily task nya
14. lalu kamu dapat gold 16 juta !!

semoga berguna ya teman teman :D

cheat ninja saga amaterasu

baik lah ini cheat amaterasu saya sudah coka sendiri bahwa cheat ini 95% bisa oke langkah langkanya adalah :
1.buka akun ninja saga  kmu

2.masuk ke ninja saga

3.buka cheat engine 5.5

4.klik gambar komputer trus pilih internet expoler (terserah mau yaga mana ajah tpi saya buka internet expoler)

5. value type asalnya 4 bytes diganti text dan ceklis unicobe dan yang dibawahnya)

6.tulis di text skill41 setelah itu  first scan dan di samping akan ada 2 address

7.pencet yang ada gambar payung (sebelum pencet /klik address 1 dipencet setelah itu pencet g.payung dan yang 2 jga sama )

8.trus addres itu akan ada jga di bawah terus kmu ganti value nya jadi skill 91 dan yang 2 juga sama

9.kamu mainin ninja saganya ke jutsu dan liat genjutsu ada amaterasu yang seperti itachi

dan ini videonya:

Zairus Asher P: Cheat PS2 (bakugan)

Zairus Asher P: Cheat PS2 (bakugan): "pasti anda akan cari - cari cheat bakugan ya kan untuk penggemar bakugan saya suka sekali pemainan ini ya tanpa omong lama ( Cerewet ) akan ..."

Cheat PS2 (bakugan)

pasti anda akan cari - cari cheat bakugan ya kan untuk penggemar bakugan saya suka sekali pemainan ini ya tanpa omong lama ( Cerewet ) akan ku kasih tau cheat nya :

500,000 BP
Enter "26037947" if you are starting a new game (at the name)

Here is a list of name cheats for the PS2 version of the game. To access these codes, you must enter them on the Name Entry screen when starting a new game.

1. Get 100,000 BP – Enter: 18499753
2. Get 500,000 BP – Enter: 26037947
3. Unlock the Bronze Warius – Enter: 44982493
4. Get 1000 Battle Points – Enter: 33204429
5. Get 10000 Battle Points – Enter: 46836478
6. Get 5000 Battle Points – Enter: 42348294

100,000 BP
Enter "18499753" at the name

Easy defeat
To defeat axe viladator firstly you will have to go to the shop and purchase a card on which hydroniod 's bakugan is drawn and another card which gives you 150g power on enemy gate card and then go to the tournament and first we will choose the card choose the card which gives haos or leonidas special card and then you have to fail in thae first throw and then he will throw his bakugan and then goto each hydronoid,s tail and get in and do it to all hydrnoids tails and collect minimum 180g power and then leonidas power becomes 610+180=790 and viladators g power will be 710 and then he will use one of his ability cards that will increase 150g power it becomes 710+150=860 you dont have to use an ability card and defeat him ..and do same thing in the next matches and you will be able to defeat him easily in the last round by using all the ability cards...bye

Here is how to get the unlockable “evolved” Bakugan after completing the story.

1. Battle Axe Vladitor – Beat Marduk without giving up and cards.
2. Blade Tigrerra – Beat Runo in a battle royal.
3. Delta Dragonoid II – Beat Dan in a battle royal.
4. Dual Hydranoid – Beat Masquerade in a battle royal.
5. Hammer Gorem – Beat Julie in a battle royal.
6. Omega Leonidus – Get before doing the last battle in story mode.
7. Preyas II – Beat Marucho in a battle royal.
8. Storm Skyress – Beat Shun in a battle royal.

Here is how to get the unlockable Protagonist Bakugan after completing the story. All battles must be done in the park.

1. Cycloid – Join Julie In a Tag Team Battle.
2. Dragonoid – Beat Dan in a One on One Battle.
3. Fortress – Join Dan In a Tag Team Battle.
4. Gorem – Beat Julie in a One on One Battle.
5. Harpus – Join Shun In a Tag Team Battle.
6. Preyas – Beat Marucho in a One on One Battle.
7. Sirenoid – Join Marucho In a Tag Team Battle.
8. Skyress – Beat Shun in a One on One Battle.
9. Tentacler – Join Runo In a Tag Team Battle.
10. Tigrerra – Beat Runo in One on One Battle.

Beating battle ax vladitor!!
All you need is his gate card omega Leonidas and his special 1 omega eraser then get mega warrior I would choose dark us if you have 2 wins and it's your turn for laying down a gate card-lay down mega warrior omega Leonidas will get 550 gs total and if you  have omega eraser still you can get 950 gs exactly how I beat him hope it helps

To end the game easily using haos leonidas
First you have to use this 3 gate cards(omega Leonidas,mega warrior,sunrise)
the key to win the battle is to organise the gate cards, tough if you win with any kind of cards that is fine too. the second key is to use all your ability in the first gate cards you set. which I would prefer sunrise. then the most important step you have to do before every bakugan battle is to let Marduk shoot his bakugan first. then after that you do that you shoot omega Leonidas to the hydra statue(both of them & watch your fuel) if you succeeded perfectly you will have an addition of 240 g power. each and every time. also you should use omega Leonidas's gold gate card in last, because if both battle it should end up in a tie you're gonna have a lot of trouble. you should buy time battle card ability if you prefer time battle, because for me shooting battle is hard and also the roulette g ability with maximum addition 400 g power

How to get Tegrera
Beat Runo 5 times in the park

Get a bakugan

How to get Battle Ax Vladitor
First,you must have beaten the game.After that you have Leonidas and Omega Leonidas.now go to the park and duel Marduk.After that buy Vladitor in the shop and duel Marduk again And You can buy Battle Ax Vladitor in the shop.You can also do this with the other brawlers but remember to buy it first for example.you get Vladitor but you cannot get Battle Ax vladitor if you didn't buy Vladitor first

423482942968 - 10,000 BP
423482942968 - 10,000 BP

10,ooo bp

Up,left,down,right,L1,R1 IN MAIN MENUE